Joining our StudentsLink program comes with benefits that you cannot find else where. Our program takes into account your busy schedule and we provide all the support and training that will prepare you for your lessons as well as your future career. Have a look below at a snapshot of some benefits you will gain by joining StudentsLink.
All you have to do is fill up a simple form, which you can access via the button below! You will then be able to start creating a brighter future for yourself by teaching at StudentsLink.
Our StudentsLink tutors gain real world working experience as well as an opportunity to develop their career through our career progression system and mentorship program, provided by our not for profit arm – StudentsLink.
How Does It Work?
Our StudentsLink Program
Our program provides mentoring, in depth training and guidance. Tutors gets matched with students of similar age and interests in non-English speaking countries like China via an online video conference application (very similar to Skype or Zoom). With a basic curriculum template to follow the tutors are encouraged to build friendships with the students while teaching them basic spoken English.
StudentsLink Peer Initiative Program Involves:
Here a real example of one of our tutors journey this past year with 3RealMates
Mid-March of 2019, we met Rachel a year 10 student at a school seminar in Melbourne. After speaking to our team on the day she signed up for our StudentsLink program.
It was noted that Rachel was a quiet student who is highly intellectual but was not acing her classes as well as she could.
With the support of our tutor coordinators, Rachel was passing through the recruitment and training process with flying colors.
Within 2 weeks of signing up, she was ready to have her first trial class, and Rachel was more confident and outspoken than when we first met her in the seminar.
In late June after getting constructive feedback from us, Rachel decided to attend our Confidence building seminar to improve her confidence while teaching her students.
Rachel also informed her mentor that she has joined the computer club at her school, as she feels more productive and interested in exploring new areas.
In early August 2019, Rachel gained 5 long-term students and the feedback received showed that her clients had very high praises for Rachel's tutoring. She was also awarded 'Student's choice for most improved tutor'.
Rachel also discussed with her StudentsLink mentor that she decided to enroll into university after graduating. She decided that she wanted to have a career in IT in the future.
We checked in with the school to provide them with updates on their students' progress with our program and was told that Rachel has improved immensely academically.
Rachel is also a lot more extroverted and outspoken than when she first started the program. She was also voted top tutor of the month.
Rachel is performing well in school as well as in our 3RealMates program. She is now more confident than ever and has told us that she is ready to start preparing for her ATAR subjects next year.
She is also thinking of starting a small business selling scented candles online and she felt very prepared with the process after attending our "How to start your own business" mentorship session.
StudentsLink Tutors are high school students and 1st year undergraduate students between the ages of 14 to 18 years of age, with demonstrated skills to become educators and a commitment to helping others globally. All you will need is a laptop/desktop and access to internet connection.
No you do not need to be able to speak Chinese! We encourage our students and tutors to converse and interact in English only.
Are you a motivated student that wants a head start in your career through a paid opportunity? If you are, we want you!